Monday, September 24, 2007

My opinions on Socrate pg 48-54

What I noticed is when Socrates asks Euthyphro a question in that question there are two statements and Euthyphro has to say which one correct but he answers with a yes. Euthyphro answers the question with a yes but questions are for him to pick one of the statements that he agrees with.

For example “But is this the correction that we are now making in the argument: that whatever all the gods hate in impious and whatever they love is pious, but whatever some love and others hate neither both? Is this how you now wish it to be defined by us concerning the pious and the impious?”

There is more than one question but Socrates answers “Yes, for what prevents it”

It seems as though Socrates question is different but when Euthyphro defines pious and impious to Socrates it’s the same. It’s kind of repetitive because Euthyphro keep telling Socrates that whatever the gods love are pious and whatever they gods hate are impious. Pg 52

On page 53 I am confused 10c paragraph because Socrates talks about the thing carried something carried because it is carried or because of something else. Then he goes on more about “Nor because it is something carries is it carried; rather, because it is carried, it is something carried.” Socrates questions get even more complicated I’m surprised that Socrates didn’t trick himself up in his own question or Euthyphro. Sometimes you can ask so many questions you forget what the first question was and how you even to the last question. As the questioning continues and starts to get more complex Euthyphro answer’s gets smaller. For example Socrates conversation will be a paragraph and Socrates will answer with a “yes”, “certainly”, “quite so” or “I do”

I think Socrates ask question to the point where he is being aggressive. He questions Euthyphro as Euthyphro is the student. Socrates asks to be Euthyphro student because Euthyphro is wise but Socrates is not acting like a student. All he wants to do is ask questions rather than take anything in account of what Euthyphro says. If I had a wise teacher I would listen not ask so much damn questions that are uncalled for. It’s ok to ask questions but after awhile you need to do research so you learn. Socrates doesn’t deserve to go to jail but he needs to learn to stop questioning people on purpose so he can trick them up into what they believe.

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