Sunday, September 23, 2007

My opinions on Socrate pg 41-47

Young ones are corrupted by corrupter’s page 42

I agree because it all starts with what you are told as a young child. It may not seem wrong to ask questions but I know that I would not want anyone questioning my child beliefs or my child period. Socrates makes up new God’s and that is wrong for young ones but that is Socrates opinion. Socrates should keep that to himself.

It is good to take care of the young first but not how Socrates take care of them because he wants to keep questioning them until they are confused and they will not have an answer.

Socrates thinks that Euthyphro should prosecute his father only if his father killed someone outside of the family. Euthyphro’s father didn’t literally kill the servant but if Euthyphro’s father didn’t bind and throw the servant in the ditch he wouldn’t have died. I don’t think it was impious for a son to take his father to court.

having or showing a dutiful spirit of reverence for God or an earnest wish to fulfill religious obligations. Euthyphro defines Pious as proceeding against whoever does injustice regarding murders etc… I think this is fulfilling a religious obligation. It will be obligating to do the right thing by their God’s.

I don’t think this relates back to Euthyphro taking his father to court. If anything it would be a pious act.

I think if someone in my family commits murder, I don’t know if I could prosecute them especially if I’m close to them.

Then Socrates asks to become Euthyphro student after their first conversation about Euthyphro sending his father to court and because he thinks Euthyphro is wise.

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