Saturday, September 22, 2007

Gensis Ch. 9

1.) Why did Noah curse his family and his son offspring’s?

~ Noah did not curse his family or his son offspring’s. He cursed Canaan.

2.) What authority does Noah have to curse Family?

~ Noah did not curse his family but he does have authority to curse his son offspring. Every man has authority in their house and in their family.

3.) If Noah is a righteous man than why did he get drunk and curse his son offspring?

~ Just because God picked Noah because he was a righteous man that doesn’t mean Noah doesn’t have sins. Noah is a man that sins just like other men that has flaws and sin. Noah is still a prophet man. Noah put a curse on Canaan because Canaan ridiculed Noah because he saw Noah nakedness and that was disrespect. Canaan was the first person to walk through the tent but he went back out and told Shem and Japheth.

Remember God had already blessed Noah and his sons in Genesis 9:1

~ Even though Canaan was cursed he was still blessed
~ Canaan is the blessed land in Israel

White supremacists use this to justify slavery or racial prejudice. Some people use this story for the justification of slavery but Africans are the descendents Cush. Cush is the father of Africans.

Arabic’s were the FISRT to enslave black people.

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